Frequently Requested Church Statistics
CARA gets many inquiries from Church agencies and the media about the numbers for vocations, seminary enrollments, priests and vowed religious, parishes, Mass attendance, schools and the Catholic population.In the Excel file below are some comparative statistics from 1970. Generally, these data reflect the situation at the beginning of the calendar year listed. The sources for this information include The Official Catholic Directory (OCD), the Vatican's Annuarium Statisticum Ecclesiae (ASE), and other CARA research and databases. All data are cross checked as much as possible. For the U.S, the numbers reported here include only figures for those 195 dioceses or eparchies who belong to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. This includes the 50 states, the District of Columbia, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and all U.S. military personnel stationed overseas. Entries reading "--" have no data available at this time and "na" is not applicable. There are two worksheets in the Excel workbook one for the “US” and one for “Worldwide.”
NEW: Download the Global Country Profiles input by CARA from the most recent Annuarium Statisticum Ecclesiae (ASE) or Vatican Statistics (i.e., 2022)
Download CARAFrequentlyRequested.xlsx
CARA’s U.S. Presidential Voting Average Table is here